
SEMH Strategy

Social, Emotional and Mental Health Strategy


Every child needs to feel valued, involved and appreciated, and we know what makes happy, resilient, healthy and confident children. Some children react through their behaviour to the emotional turmoil and distress caused by events in their lives, either long term or temporarily.

At Cathcart Street we have increasing numbers of pupils with SEMH difficulties, whose behaviour potentially can impact on their own well-being and learning, and that of others. National evidence shows that 3 children in every classroom have a mental health problem, whilst Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAHMS) turn away 25% of children referred to them.

The increasing pressures of modern day life: social media, influence of celebrity culture, dysfunctional families, parenting, poverty, school pressures and friendship issues have all impacted on children’s ability to cope with life in school, when so many other issues prevail in their lives.

School has recognised that we need to take on a whole school community approach to the issue, and we view our pupil’s development in a holistic way.


Our Aim

Is simply this … to develop resilient, happy confident and safe children.

How we will achieve this:

  • Identify early on, pupils at risk of SEMH difficulties and make early referral for support, ensuring close working with partner agencies, and holding them to account for support.
  • Plan individualised specific intervention programmes to support well-being and behaviour
  • Employ two members of staff, through PPG funding, one to support pupils - the Well-being and  Behaviour Support Lead - and secondly a, Family Engagement lead to support families and run intervention and targeted support
  • Work closely with the NHS to become a Gold accreditor Site, developing expertise through training to support pupils.
  • To deliver a whole school approach through appropriate staff training in “Team Teach” and the “Thrive Approach” model, with named staff undertaking the licensed practitioner training.
  • Support pupils to re-engage with life and learning
  • Seek out programmes to enhance friendships and interpersonal relationships
  • Deliver a broad and balanced curriculum based on the needs of our pupils.


What will be the desired impact?

  • 100% of identified children are accessing support to enable them to engage in the curriculum
  • Identified children make targeted progress
  • Identified children attend school 95% of the time
  • Exclusions from school will reduce by 50%
  • Classrooms will be calm and orderly and other children’s efficient education will not be affected by the behaviour of others.
  • Leadership time will not be taken up as a consequence of poor behaviour
  • Whole school Thrive Approach training will impact on whole class ethos
  • The “Zen Garden” will be available to pupils and groups to support emotional well-being as a quiet place to retreat to.