It's Spring Term 2
I haven't changed anything on the website yet, as we need to finish some of these units off.
I will change it in a few weeks, after we have finished all out current topics.
Below, you will find some very important information and links for Spring Term 1
Spring Term 2
This is the term when a lot of hard work is completed but there are plenty of exciting topics we will cover.
Monday – Reading records to be handed in, then checked for home reading (4x a week).
Also, PE is on Monday, so don't forget your kit!!
You will complete your spelling test and new spellings will be handed out.
You will also be given 2 pieces of work which must be completed for the following Wednesday.
If you have found your homework difficult, you can attend Miss Sheridan's Homework Club at 12:30pm every Tuesday afternoon.
Overall, it is important to say that we are always here to help, so come and find us if you need anything at all!
Here’s to a happy and successful half term!
Miss Sheridan, Mrs Matchett and Miss Bartlett
Here are some important websites you will need access to during the term:
During this half term, the children will be developing their writing through reading and exploring a book called 'Origin of the Species’.
For most of human history, people believed that everything in the world was created at once. But scientists started to challenge that idea and in 1859 Charles Darwin, a naturalist and biologist, wrote a famous book called On the Origin of Species that revolutionised the way that we have understood evolution ever since.
Now molecular biologist and illustrator Sabina Radeva has recreated Darwin's most famous work as a beautifully illustrated book for children and adults alike. The stunning pictures bring the theory of evolution to life for young readers, and anyone who wants to learn about evolution.
Pulling together Darwin's observations from his travels around the world and his ground-breaking explanation of how species form, develop, and change over hundreds of thousands of years, On The Origin of Species is as relevant and important now as it ever was.
Our Class Reader, as voted for by the class children, will be ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell
From his seat in the tiny aeroplane, Fred watches as the mysteries of the Amazon jungle pass by below him. He has always dreamed of becoming an explorer, of making history and of reading his name amongst the lists of great discoveries. If only he could land and look about him.
As the plane crashes into the canopy, Fred is suddenly left without a choice. He and the three other children may be alive, but the jungle is a vast, untamed place. With no hope of rescue, the chance of getting home feels impossibly small.
Except, it seems, someone has been there before them…
During this half term you will be learning about Fractions and then moving onto Measure, Ratio and Algebra
If you would like to do some pre-learning, please follow these links:
Year 6 will be focusing on History this half term, the focus being 'A History of Civil Rights’. We will explore the beginnings of Civil Rights, starting with the Magna Carta and moving through the Civil Rights Protests of the 50’s and 60‘s in the US and UK. To learn more about these subjects, please investigate the links below:
Britannica Kids – Civil Rights
History for Kids – Civil Rights
Our Science theme this term is ‘Changing Circuits’. In this unit, children will investigate electrical circuits, how they are created, the effect of changing items and how they are used in real life.
Here are some great websites where you can do some home research activities:
REMEMBER - PE is every Monday afternoon. This half term, we are covering Gymnastics, so you will need the correct indoor PE kit:
-White t-shirt
- Black Shorts/tracksuit pants/leggings
- Black trainers
Remember - No labels or insignias