
Year 2

Year 2 - Spring 2 2025

Our Year 2 team this year is as follows: 

Mrs West, Miss Spence, Mrs Di Micelli (Wed - Fri) , Mrs Bennett (Mon - Wed) and Mrs Smith (morning classroom support)

CLOTHING:  PLEASE can you make sure all your child's clothing and belongings are labelled with their names especially as we move into winter and the children start bringing hats, scarves and gloves. Thank you. 


PE is on a Friday this half term. The children will need to come into school in their PE kit and please remove any earrings at home.

This half term our topic is Gymnastics. The children will learn to control movements and add movements to a sequence. The pupils will learn about jumps and how to perform these individually or within a sequence. 


We will be having a big focus on reading this year. The children will have daily phonics lessons where they will build on their phonic knowledge. During these lessons they will read a book matched to their phonics group.

Shared reading

For our shared reading we will focus on the following texts:

  • The Glassmaker's Daughter
  • The Secret of the Tattered Shoes
  • A poems from the book The Owl and the Pussycat
During these lessons we will learn reading strategies and skills, comprehension skills, vocabulary and how to refer to the text.
Spellings will be given out on a Monday and tested on the Friday that week unless there is a Bank Holiday and then they will be given out on the Tuesday.
Homework will be given out on a Monday and expected back the following Monday unless it is a Bank Holiday then it will be given out on the Tuesday.
Our text this half term is Grandad's Island by Benji Davies. The pupils will use this text to write a return narrative as well as an information text about one of the animals on the island. 
For maths we will returning to our 2, 5 and 10 times tables and the corresponding division facts. 
In addition we will be learning about using standard units of measurement when learning how to measure; height, length, mass, capacity and temperature including ml/l, cm/m, g/kg, and degrees. Pupils will also have the opportunity to read scales in 2's, 5's and 10's. 
For maths basic skills we will be learning from the Mastering Number programme. 
Pupils will be given a Numbots login which will be placed inside the cover of their reading logs. Children can access this in school and at home to play maths games and unlock new levels.
This half term we will be learning about Materials and  take part in Working Scientifically lessons and perform simple tests to find the suitability of materials for a particular purpose. Pupil will learn that objects can change their shape by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching. 
Pupils will also observe their bulbs that they planted and how they have grown and flowered in the Spring after planting them in the autumn term. Pupils will know that their bulbs have needed, light, water and the right temperature to grow.
Our topic this half-term is Seas and Coasts. Pupils will learn about human and physical features found at the coast. They will learn to identify and name the 7 continents and 5 oceans using world maps and atlases. Pupils will also revisit the compass points during this topic. 
Thank you 
Mrs West