Year 2 - Spring 1 2025
Welcome Back Year 2 and a new start to a new year. I hope you have come back ready to learn!
Our Year 2 team this year is as follows:
Mrs West, Miss Spence, Mrs Di Micelli (Wed - Fri) , Mrs Bennett (Mon - Wed) and Mrs Smith (morning classroom support)
CLOTHING: PLEASE can you make sure all your child's clothing and belongings are labelled with their names especially as we move into winter and the children start bringing hats, scarves and gloves. Thank you.
PE is on a Friday this half term. The children will need to come into school in their PE kit and please remove any earrings at home.
This half term our topic is Dance. The children will create and explore movements to resemble a given theme. The pupils will link movements together to create a short dance piece.
We will be having a big focus on reading this year. The children will have daily phonics lessons where they will build on their phonic knowledge. During these lessons they will read a book matched to their phonics group.
Shared reading
For our shared reading we will focus on the following texts:
- Once upon a Wild Wood
- The Glassmaker's Daughter
- The Secret of the Tattered Shoes
- A poems from the book The Owl and the Pussycat
Recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p); combine amounts to make a particular value • Find different combinations of coins that equalthe same amounts of money NUMBE Maths
For maths this half term we will focus on the topic of money and recognising and using the symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p). The pupils will learn to combing amounts to make a particular value and find different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts of money. The pupils will apply their knowledge of counting in 2's, 5's and 10's when counting coins to find a total. The pupils will solve simple problems in a practical context involving the addition and subtraction of money including giving change.