Welcome to Year 4!
Below, you will find some important information and links.
Spring Term 1
Lots of of hard work is going to be completed but there are plenty of exciting topics we will cover.
Monday – Reading records to be handed in, then checked for home reading (4x a week). Homework & Spellings handed out.
Thursday - TTRockstars Session should be completed by this day.
Friday – Homework due in. You will also complete your spelling test.
You will be given three pieces of work on Monday which must be completed for the following Friday.
Also, Forest Schools is on Friday, so don't forget your kit!!
Here are some important websites you will need access to during the term:
During this half term, the children will be developing their writing through reading and exploring the book Arthur and the Golden Rope
Our Class Reader will be 'Beowulf’' by Michael Morpurgo
During this half term you will be learning about Shape, Statistics and Position and Direction
If you would like to do some pre-learning, please follow these links:
Year 4 will be looking at the Anglo Saxons and their impact on Britain.
To learn more about this, please investigate the links below:
Our Science theme this term is Electricity.
Overall, it is important to say that we are always here to help, so come and find us if you need anything at all!
We are looking forward to a happy and successful half term!
Your teachers are: Mr Smale
Your teaching assistant is: Mrs McDonald
We will be taking part in PE and Forest Schools on a Friday and you MUST have your kit in school.
A reminder of the PE kit information is;
- Black shorts/leggings/tracksuit bottoms
- White top
- Black Pumps
- Reading logs need to be in school everyday and you should be reading at least 4 times per week with an adult. Remember to get your reading log signed.
- Spellings will be given out on a Monday and tested on a Friday.
- Times Table Sessions will be set on on a Thursday and checked the following Thursday.