
Year 5

Welcome Back!

We hope you had a lovely half term break and a magical Christmas! 

We have a busy and exciting half term ahead and as always, below is some information and links to the things we will be doing below. 


Spring Term 1

As always, we will be completing some exciting topics and working hard to gain lots more knowledge. Read on to find out more...



Monday – Reading records to be handed in, then checked for home reading (3x a week). Homework is given out.

Friday – Homework is due in, you will be given two pieces, plus spellings. You will complete your spelling test.

Also, PE is on Thursday, so don't forget your kit!!


Overall, it is important to say that we are always here to help, so come and find us if you need anything at all!

We are looking forward to a happy and successful half term!


Miss Hebden & Mrs Alderson



Here are some important websites you will need access to during the term:

Hit the Button 

TT Rock Stars



During this half term, the children will be developing their writing through reading and exploring the following book: Hound of the Baskervilles (by Arthur Conan Doyle)



In Shared Reading, we are using a range of books, as part of the 'Steps to Read' programme.

We are going to be reading about the Victorians through the following books: Street Child, A Christmas Carol, Eyewitness - Victorians and How they Made Things Work in the Age of Industry.



Our Class Reader, as voted for by the class children, will be 'The Infinite Lives of Maisy Day' by Christopher Edge



During this half term we will be learning about Multiplication & Division and Fractions

If you would like to do some pre-learning, please follow these links:

Multiples and Factors Games:

Multiples and factors - Topmarks

Zap A Zoid Game

Monster Multiples

Computer vs Y5 


Multiplication Games

Topmarks - Multiplication & Division Games



Year 5 will be focusing on History this half term, the focus being 'Birkenhead Park'. We will go on a trip to Birkenhead Park and will learn about how the park was developed in the Victorian period. 


To learn more about Birkenhead Park, please follow the links below:







Our Science theme this term is Properties of Materials. Children will be learning how to group and sort materials.

Here are some great websites where you can do some home research:






Miss Hebden

Year 5 Class Teacher

Mrs Alderson

Year 5 Teaching Assistant