
Religious Education





The Religious Education curriculum at Cathcart Street Primary School seeks to give pupils an understanding of religion in the modern world, the important beliefs and values that shape it and the impact religion has on many people’s lives and communities.

The curriculum gives pupils the opportunity to learn about different faiths as well as the wider world and global issues such as our planet, Harvest, making choices in the community, helping others and learning about special people and places.

Our RE curriculum identifies that over time pupils will have the opportunity to develop their understanding of different religions and traditions and also the importance of equality, acceptance and diversity.

It will enable children to build on their use of religious vocabulary, provide meaningful dialogue and help to consider and respond to a range of important questions related to their own spiritual development and support them to gain and deploy the skills needed to engage seriously with religions and world views.



Our curriculum at Cathcart Street follows the Wirral Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education and Worldviews 2019. There are a set of modules designed and reviewed by Wirral Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education for each class in each key stage from F2 to Year 6.  RE is taught as a discrete lesson by the class teacher or HLTA (PPA cover).

The curriculum strives to engage and challenge pupils through the exploration of core religious concepts and topics and there are opportunities in each key stage for children to build on previous learning, develop their skills over time through a range of current and engaging topics, this is shown in the subject progression grid. Pupils apply their knowledge through producing pieces of work using high quality teaching materials and resources.

As well as lessons, school visits and assemblies can promote RE in giving it a clear place in community, recognise and celebrate individual pupils’ cultures, beliefs and practices and guide children morally and support them with the choices they make.



Children’s understanding and progress in RE is assessed by teacher judgement and tracked termly using the whole school tracking system. There is opportunity for children’s learning to be revisited and this allows children to reinforce key ideas and concepts and develop an enjoyment of learning about different religions, traditions and cultures. As such, RE is invaluable in setting up children to be able to make links between their own lives and others in their community and also the wider world.