
Autumn 2023 for translation

Cathcart Street Primary School




Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to our Autumn Newsletter.

As we come to the end of out first term I wanted to share with you just a small snapshot of some of the amazing activities that our children have taken part in. As you can see we have had a very busy time and have enjoyed a range of fun experiences! The staff have all been working hard planning next term’s lessons so look out on the website to see what is coming up in the New Year.

May I take this time to thank you all for your continued support and wish you all the best for Christmas and New Year .

Take Care,

Mrs Smith






Well done to Year 5 for 94.2% attendance this term.

Please be reminded that it is your responsibility to contact school each day your child is absent, if you do not contact school an unauthorised mark will be given.

Informal chats about attendance and punctuality may take place at drop off or pick up times.

We expect all children to be in school on time at 8.55am.

2 year old provision starts at 12.30pm via the Foundation gates.



Thank you to all our parents and children for the generous donations and attending the Christmas fair.  We have raised an amazing amount so far!



The school took part in Children in Need this year and helped raise over £130 for this very worth while charity. The school council had the very important role of collecting the money from all the classes around the school and taking photographs so we can remember the occasion. This requires very trustworthy children and a team effort.





The children have enjoyed a number of different after school clubs this term.

In Science club we explored rain clouds.

We used foam to make a cloud and blue food colouring to make the rain. As the clouds fills up it gets heavier and the rain falls down. We observed the blue colouring falling from the foam.

Please check Parent App for any upcoming Afterschool Clubs in the new term. There are limited place for each club and so places are given at a first come first served basis.



Some of our ECO club went top Bidston golf club to listen to a talk about hedgehogs given by Jackson’s Animal Sanctuary, which our generous parents have raised money for in the past and we know the do fantastic work. We learnt that hedgehogs are not hibernating now due to the warmer weather so keep a look out in your gardens this Winter (they love cat food). 





Year 1 went to the Park to work with the Park Ranger – Hannah to observe seasonal changes and look for autumn treasure. We looked at the deciduous and evergreen trees. We found different types of seeds on the ground and looked at how the autumn leaves are changing. Whilst there we observed the birds in the park as part of our Geographical Enquiry.



Year 4 enjoyed a trip to Chester earlier this term. We had been learning about the Romans so took the opportunity to go to the Grosvenor Museum to learn even more. We took part in a Roman soldier tour where we chanted in the streets and learnt some military manoeuvres using shields at the amphitheatre.  

Later on, we took part in a Roman workshop to learn some more about things such as Roman baths, mosaics, diet and archaeology. We had a great day and learnt a lot of interesting information. 





Year 6 have had a brilliant Autumn term, with many enriching activities to enhance learning and understanding. As part of our WW2 topic, we visited the Western Approaches and the Maritime Museum in Liverpool. These museums showed some of the trials that Merseyside went through during the war.



Year 6 have been developing their Geographical Skills. They have been exploring and investigating a geographical question – Why were children evacuated to the countryside during the war? In order to understand why, and develop our map reading skills, we visited Thornton Hough and collected lots of data, as well as using maps to find our way around.



Nursery have been very busy this term spotting the signs of Winter on their morning walk around school.

We had some huge pumpkins and very tiny ones to compare in the classroom, we even had hammers to tap in some tacks on the flesh.

The role play has been a hive of activity with dishes being washed, cups of tea being made and lots of cake eaten. The team work has been lovely to see!

We have also enjoyed ‘Squiggle While You Wiggle’ daily which is designed to strengthen our muscles and brain connections. We have wriggled, jumped, hopped and crawled all around our classroom.




This term the 2’s have enjoyed sharing stories in the book corner and using the puppets to act out familiar

Stories, they have been developing their small muscles through Squiggle While You Wiggle and Busy fingers activities

Next term the 2’s will be looking at winter/artic animals and we will be welcoming new children in to the class.



This half term Reception have been very busy!

We have learnt about the Season of Autumn through our story ‘The leaf thief’. We used our outdoor area to observe the signs of Autumn and the changes that happen. We have learnt about a range of different hibernating animals and where they choose to hibernate.

We then moved on to learning about Space through the story ‘The Way Back Home’. We have loved this topic! We have explored the planets in our solar system. We learnt that we live on planet Earth and that the Sun is actually a star. The children were excited to find out that the Sun is a big ball of fiery gas (we found out that the gases in the sun are the same as the gasses in trumps! We found this very funny!).